Love Prosperity Prayer

LOVE is my Financial Advisor.
My Prosperity is Unlimited.

Love fills my Life with Abundant good.
Love is my Golden Key to Infinite Riches.

Love guides me in Its Way of Joy, Peace and Prosperity
because of Its Nature.

Even though I may wander into seeming lack,
I shall not fear, for Love is always with me.

Its nurturing Substance Prospers Me.
Love Abundantly provides for me to
easily pay all financial 0bligations.

Love fills my Life and my Bank Accounts
with Unconditional Money;
my Wealth Overflows.
Thankfully, Love Prospers Me
in Every Wonderful way,
every day of my Life, and
I forever do business
in the Nature of Love.


Rev. John W. Adams
(The Twenty-Third Psalm – revised)