Look For The Good
(Repeat these affirmations to yourself to manifest them in your life.)
I make a positive difference. I look for the good in this situation and respond with love, wisdom and understanding.
I look beyond the personalities to the issues. I plan to look for the good.
I make a positive difference every time I look for the good in a challenging situation.
I want to know what people are for, not what they are against In political ads and everywhere else, I look for the good.
In every situation, I look for what is right, not what is wrong.
I am centered and see the good all around me.
Everything works together for my highest good.
I move forward in my life’s journey toward my good.
I celebrate my progress and smile at whatever challenges me.
I find good in whatever comes my way.
Good surrounds me wherever I am and whatever I am doing.
In every situation I strive to show up, pay attention and respond in love.
Every life experience offers a gift.
I attract good in all areas of my life.
Good things come into my life easily and often.
I look for something good in every person I meet.
I cherish the good in myself and others.
I am showered with good every day in every area of my life.
I am grateful for the good I already have.
Wherever I am, God is, and all is well.
Unity Worldwide Ministries
Unity Worldwide Ministries