I Am The Christ
I am the Christ, I am within you, Not of flesh or of sinew,
Not as a separate entity, Yet truly part of thee.
Much as a wave is to the ocean And with faith and with devotion,
You can find me there. Closer to you than air,
I can lift you from despair, Gird you with love, count every hair.
Overflow your cup with treasured things and set your soul on angels’ wings
To view the world from heights sublime, To touch your mind with Mind Divine,
Ascending ‘til at last you kiss The Father’s face and know your bliss.
I am the Christ. Would you find me?
Would you know my peace? Then you must – – release, release, release
The fearful, frantic, feckless you, The limited, lacking, lesser you;
And then elect to resurrect the power of the Christ of you.
I am the Christ, I am the Christ, I am . . . . . . The Christ!
Mary Dodsworth