God’s Waiting to Use Your Full Potential

The next time you feel
like God can’t use you,
just remember . . .

NOAH was a drunk.

ABRAHAM was too old.

ISAAC was a daydreamer.

JACOB was a liar.

LEAH was ugly.

JOSEPH was abused.

MOSES had a stuttering problem.

GIDEON was afraid.

SAMSON had long hair, and was a womanizer!
RAHAB was a prostitute!

JEREMIAH and TIMOTHY were too young.

DAVID had an affair and was a murderer.

ELIJAH was suicidal.

ISAIAH preached naked.

JONAH ran from God.

NAOMI was a widow.

JOB went bankrupt.

JOHN the Baptist ate bugs.

PETER denied Christ.

The Disciples fell asleep while praying.

MARTHA worried about everything.

MARY MAGDALENE was, well, you know …

The SAMARITAN WOMAN was divorced … more than once!

ZACCHEUS was too small.

PAUL was too religious.

TIMOTHY had an ulcer …


No more excuses now!

God’s waiting
to use your full potential.