Affirmative Prayer for Awareness
God is the one and only source of good in my life.
My abundance flows through many channels,
but one infinite and loving Source is behind them all.
Abundance is a reality in my life and the world around me right now.
My good is not in some future time or place. It is right here.
I am surrounded by and immersed in God’s lavish abundance.
I see it everywhere I look.
The flow of abundance through my life is inexhaustible.
Spirit is continually meeting my needs in countless seen and unseen ways.
I choose to live in the flow, sharing and giving generously and accepting gratefully.
I know I cannot out give God.
My abundance cannot be withheld from me.
Circumstances and conditions do not have the power to limit me; nor do people, places and things.
Spirit is continually meeting my needs according to my own acceptance.
I open to accept more by giving myself fully to life and trusting in God about all else to prosper me.
I deserve to lead an abundant life. Everyone does.
I bless the good that I find in my life daily and desire the same good for everyone.
There’s always enough to go around.
I am an individual expression of God’s unlimited love, beauty, creativity, power and wisdom.
I am God’s special celebration of Its own infinite potential. T
he vision that I hold for my life is the True Self that God wants me to become.
I am willing to embrace my destiny.
I am ready to become the person I was meant to be.
Nothing in my life is an accident. Everything happens for a purpose.
I cannot be guided wrongly or fail to fulfill my vision.
With the power, wisdom, and guidance of God within me, my success is assured.
For this awareness I am grateful.
And so it is.